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Solving the housing crisis requires a collective effort. Whether you’re passionate about the issue, eager to educate yourself, or ready to take action, please consider following, attending, participating in, or serving on one of these state boards or commissions.

Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions with vacancies are noted below with an asterisk (*). For more information about serving on these boards or commissions, please visit the Boards and Commissions website.

Boards and Commissions that impact housing development (in alphabetical order):

*Board of Land and Natural Resources plays a critical role in housing development by managing the state’s natural resources and overseeing land use policies. Their decisions significantly influence housing by addressing issues such as land availability, zoning regulations, environmental considerations, and sustainable development.

*Commission on Water Resource Management administers the State Water Code. The commission aims to balance the need for urban growth while preserving environmental integrity, ensuring sustainable access to water for residential developments. 

*Disability and Communication Access Board advocates and promotes the full integration, independence, equal access and quality of life for persons with disabilities in society. The agency works to ensure accessibility and accommodations for individuals with disabilities and helps ensure that residential buildings and facilities are accessible to all, promoting equal opportunities for housing.

*Environmental Advisory Council monitors and reports the progress of the state, county, and federal agencies in achieving the State’s environmental goals and policies. It plays a key role in shaping a resilient and environmentally conscious approach to housing development across the islands.

Hawaiʻi Community Development Authority oversees the planning and development of specific urban areas in Hawaiʻi, focusing on initiatives that meet current and future housing needs while supporting quality of life for residents.

Hawaiʻi Housing Finance and Development Corporation Board is responsible for overseeing housing finance programs and development initiatives aimed at increasing affordable housing opportunities in Hawaiʻi.

Hawaiian Homes Commission administers the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, which aims to provide homesteads to Native Hawaiians for residential, agricultural, and pastoral purposes

Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority Board oversees the administration and development of public housing programs across the state.

*Historic Places Review Board evaluates and recommends properties to be included in the State and National Registers of Historic Places. The board plays a critical role in preserving Hawaiʻi’s cultural heritage and influences housing development projects that impact historic properties.

*Hawaiʻi School Facilities Authority Board oversees the planning, construction, and maintenance of educational facilities within a state or district, directly influencing the surrounding community and housing development.

Hawaiʻi Interagency Council for Transit-Oriented Development plans and promotes housing development projects that enhance connectivity and sustainability around transit hubs.

*Island Burial Councils (Hawaiʻi, Kauaʻi/Niʻhau, Maui/Lanaʻi, Molokaʻi, Oʻahu) are responsible for the identification, preservation, and respectful treatment of Native Hawaiian burial sites and ancestral remains. The councils provide guidance on housing development projects to ensure compliance with laws protecting these sacred sites and advocate for their preservation and proper handling in accordance with Hawaiian cultural traditions and state regulations.

Land Use Commission regulates land use and development across the state. The commission evaluates applications for boundary amendments that affect land designations, influencing how land is used for purposes such as housing, agriculture, conservation, and infrastructure projects statewide.

Stadium Authority manages the planning, development, and operations of the new multi-sport stadium and mixed-use real estate development on the existing 98-acre Aloha Stadium site located in Hālawa.

State Building Code Council (currently suspended pursuant to the Governor’s proclamation relating to affordable housing) is responsible for developing and updating building codes and regulations that govern construction and renovation projects across the state.